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The Counterfeit Bride Page 16
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Page 16
“Of course. You are my pethera. A new bride should always welcome her mother-in-law,” Cassidy said with a smile.
“The other Cassiopeia was not welcoming,” Rena sighed. “I had feared it was because I had been a bad mother to Theron.”
“Theron has never spoken of you with anything other than love and understanding,” Cassidy told her new mother-in-law truthfully.
“The other Cassiopeia . . .”
“Oh for heaven’s sake!” Lynda exploded. “There is only one Cassiopeia and she prefers to be called Cassidy. Forget about that douchebag that pretended to be our Cassidy.”
Rena grinned. Her face was transformed from the overly serious matron to the feminine version of her son. “You would not mind if I called you Cassidy?”
“Please, I would prefer it,” Cassidy smiled back at her, grateful that Lynda had taken care of that obstacle for her. “I much prefer it. In fact, I wish Theron would call me Cassidy, I cringe a little every time he calls me Cassiopeia. I’m afraid he is thinking of my cousin Julia.”
Rena spit on the café’s sidewalk. “That porni! My son did not like her. But it is easy to see he cares deeply for you and Enzio. It relieves my heart to see this. I had feared that I had permanently destroyed his ability to love or trust anyone. He always had some shallow woman around, but no one he had ever loved.” Rena smiled happily at her new daughter-in-law. “Now his future includes a lovely wife and child. I know he has found love. He will finally have joy in his life.”
Rena Christofides looked twenty years younger than she did the week before when Cassidy had first met her. It was obvious she could now forgive herself and be happy thinking that her son had found happiness.
Cassidy didn’t have the heart to explain why they married. It would cause Rena too much concern.
“It must have been love at first sight for my son. He could not hide his fascination with you at the first wedding,” Rena gushed. “I can see how much you love him, too. He even loves your son Zio. I have never seen him so smitten. Thank you for saving my son from becoming a person like Costas Dolmides.”
“Ya know, I didn’t think I’d be saying this, but it relieves me to know that when I go back to Texas, Cassidy will have a new mother to look out for her. Lord knows the one that gave birth to her could care less.”
Ajax carried two glasses and a bottle of Ouzo out to the balcony which overlooked Athen’s National Gardens. “I am surprised to see you today. I thought your little bride would have you under her boot heel for the foreseeable future.”
“Do not mock those boots. I find them quite enchanting and having those heels wrapped around me is not a bad thing,” Theron chuckled.
Ajax laughed with him. “I must say, those boots made a fashion statement I never thought I would see on one of your women.”
“My wife is like no other woman,” Theron said with a chuckle. He missed her and they had been apart less than an hour.
Ajax poured the Ouzo and handed Theron a glass before turning the conversation back to business. “Theron, are you sure you want to sell your Eyrie?”
“Of course I do not want to sell it, but there is no sense in holding onto it now,” Theron picked up a mezedes to eat before taking a drink from his glass.
“I know that this battle to take over Dolmides Global has tied up a lot of your resources, but I didn’t know that it had hurt you this severely. Let me loan you the funds,” Ajax offered. “There is no need to sell the Eyrie.”
Theron smiled at Ajax. They had been close friends from the time they met in boarding school. While Ajax was there on family money, Theron was a scholarship student, but that had not stopped the two boys from quickly discovering they had much in common. They had remained good friends over the years.
“As much as I appreciate your offer, it is important to dispose of the Eyrie. I will not be going there anymore.” Theron ate another mezedes, he found he had a big appetite today. “I have decided to trade in the mountain top for an island. I had rather hoped that instead of exchanging money, you would like to trade your krypte.”
“My grotto has served me well. The women love it. But why would you trade your view in the sky?” Ajax asked.
“Cassiopeia is not fond of heights. I will never be able to take her to the Meteora, but the grotto is a place where she and Enzio can relax and have a good time. If you are not interested I will continue to search for another suitable place.”
“You would have to have work done on the house before you could bring your little bride there. You know it is where I took my women when I wanted to escape Athens,” Ajax said with a grimace. “I do not think your wife would appreciate the décor.”
“You will consider the trade?”
“There are a few women who have not taken my rejection of them well. They have been known to show up at the Grotto uninvited.” Theron looked at his friend closely and realized that Ajax seemed restless.
“As I have never taken any woman to the Eyrie, except my wife, you will not have to worry about any women invading your time there, unless you have them flown in,” Theron responded.
“You have been forced into a marriage by Dolmides. Are you happy with your choice of bride?” Ajax asked quietly.
“I am content to have wed my pyrotechnia, but I am not happy that Dolmides tried to foist a woman of his choice on to me. This Cassiopeia and I will do well together.”
“And Dolmides now accepts her as his true daughter?” Ajax asked. “You will not have trouble with him upholding his end of the deal now that you have married her?” He refilled his glass of Ouzo.
“I do not know how he will react,” Theron glanced down at the peaceful garden Ajax’s balcony overlooked. He must remember to take Cassiopeia and Enzio there. They would enjoy a respite from the summer heat that was settling into the city, and Enzio would enjoy the duck pond. He had been fascinated by the birds at the Eyrie.
“What are your plans?”
Theron dragged himself back from the pleasant daydream he had of his wife and child enjoying the afternoon in the cool shade of the National Garden. “If Dolmides still fails to recognize her as his daughter, I will have to find another way to help the people of Evadne. Without her voting shares I will not be able to take over the company.”
“It will take much longer,” Ajax moved restlessly in his chair. It was clear to Theron that his friend had something on his mind.
“I have been selfish, only concerned with myself. What troubles you, my friend?” Theron asked. The snacks now sat heavily on his stomach.
“My father has summoned the family. I will be leaving for Santorini this evening.” Ajax’s face was grim. “Something is not right. I am not sure when I will be returning, but Sim is still in Athens and Hector should be returning soon. You know that they will protect your back, should you need it.”
“I know. I am very fortunate in my friends.”
“How do you plan to handle Dolmides?” Ajax once again refilled his glass.
“Costas does not know that we have wed. I will inform him later today.”
“But he has acknowledged this woman as his daughter?” Ajax persisted. When they debated issues at school he was always the Devil’s Advocate.
“He has not, but she is.” Theron wished he had a cigar. It had been a long time since he had smoked one, but now it seemed an appropriate accoutrement to the conversation.
“That is disappointing. You have heavily invested in obtaining the controlling interest. How long before the company flounders and takes you down with it?”
“It is my hope that the family members will soon awake and realize that they are about to lose everything. It will only take two of three of them jumping ship to swing the vote my way,” Theron sighed and walked across the balcony to the wrought iron railing. He looked at the ground below and could imagine the terror Cassiopeia would feel if she were brought to admire this magnificent sight. It was time to bring the conversation back to the subject t
hat had brought him here.
“If the company cannot be saved will you be all right?”
“My new wife owns a bar and a ranch. I can always become a gigolo and allow her to support me,” Theron said with a half-smile.
“She does?” Ajax looked astounded.
“It appears my wife is quite the business woman. No matter what happens with my businesses, she and the child will never go hungry or be homeless.”
“That is quite disappointing. I had rather hoped she would turn to me.” Ajax said with his widest smile.
“Wipe that thought out of your damned lecherous mind. She is my wife. Perhaps it is time you found that wife of yours that you misplaced.”
Chapter 28
Cassidy stared at her new husband. Stupefied. They stood in the middle of what was apparently Costas Dolmides library, home office, whatever the hell he called it. Kelley was sitting on an overstuffed couch firmly holding Julia’s hands while casting loving looks on her. Looks Cassidy had never received from the woman who was her mother. Good thing she had Lynda and now Rena. With a mother like Kelley, a girl could begin to doubt her worth.
“Cousin Julia, you really must give up these pretensions of yours. Kelley is my mom. She loves me, not you. She doesn’t know you. She doesn’t love you. She never did.” The real Julia gloated unmercifully.
“You should have waited, Christofides. We had a DNA test while you were gone and it is conclusive that the lovely creature seated with Kelley is my daughter.” Costas gloated from his desk.
Despite biting her lip, Cassidy could not hold her tongue. “Well, old man, if that is true, then you were doing the nasty with Aunt Patsy at the same time you were playing hide the sausage with Kelley. You should be ashamed of yourself.”
“You dare to bring your cheap agapetikia into my house. You have been played for a fool, Christofides. As I have said from the beginning that girl is nothing but an imposter. Get rid of her and we can still work a deal.” The look of disdain on Costas’ face made Cassidy want to smash it away with a palm heel to the nose. If he said one more disparaging word to Theron she would, too.
“Unlike she who gave birth to me, I am no man’s mistress, cheap or otherwise. Never have been, never will be. If anyone is being played for a fool it’s you,” Cassidy spoke out.
Theron cast a cold look on Cassidy before he shuddered his eyes, her knees almost gave out on her,. “Cassidy, my driver will take you back to my house. Wait for me there. We will settle this matter between us later.”
She looked her husband straight in the eye, but he wouldn’t meet hers. She saw anger in his face. He doesn’t believe me. She realized with a sinking heart. After their fabulous night together, he didn’t believe her. He didn’t trust her. He would never love her.
She’d leave all right, but she had a few things to say to Costas and Kelley first. Once again she found herself grateful to her Grammie. In spite of Cassidy’s constant pleading, Grammie made Cassidy go to her Greek lessons every Tuesday and Thursday after school. For the first time in the hearing of those gathered there, she spoke in flawless Greek. “Kelley, you have been very generous with my house, allowing these freeloaders to live there all these years. They are not welcome on my property, so they are now in your lap. Daddy, dear, you have attracted the scum to you, but you haven’t noticed it is scum because you are one yourself. May you all have much joy in each other.”
Her long copper curls bounced on her derriere as she turned on her heel and headed out the door without giving her husband another glance.
Cassidy fumed as the housekeeper let her into the house. He hadn’t even given her a damn key!
She ran upstairs to grab the travel documents she would need for her and Zio. She should have realized that last night was an omen of things to come. They had drawn each other’s blood. Today he had cut out her heart. Not one word of rebuttal did he utter. Not one word of defense of his bride.
She grabbed her big shoulder bag, stuffed a couple of pairs of underwear and tee-shirts and shorts in it. Then she ran down the hall to what was to have been Enzio’s room. She loaded diapers, wipes, and several changes of clothing into the bag. She rechecked it for her travel documents, then ran out for the taxi she had ordered from the back of Theron’s car. If she could get Zio without raising Rena’s suspicions, they could be on a plane and on their way out of the country before Theron finished making his plans with Costas to get rid of her. He had been ready to marry Julia before, now he could get an annulment from her and marry Julia instead.
The seat belt sign flashed on as Cassidy rubbed the tears away from her eyes. The plane taxied to a halt in Barcelona. Fortunately the flight was on time, so she would have to run to make the connection to Hong Kong, then from there she was headed for Sydney. She had Kelley cousins in the Outback. She would stay with them for a few weeks. When Lynda gave her the heads up, she would fly home to Texas.
Theron had already proven himself untrustworthy. But she hoped he wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize Zio. Maybe she would be better off staying on with her cousins longer than a few weeks. They bred horses. She was good with horses.
Damn. After all these years of keeping her mouth shut and her secrets to herself, why? Why did she tell him everything? Did she sign her own death certificate? Would she be responsible for Enzio’s death? Maybe she should leave Zio with her cousins. He’d be safer in Australia than he would be in Texas.
Chapter 29
“Dolmides, you are never to say anything about my wife again. You are a cruel and vicious man to turn on your own daughter like that,” Theron fumed.
“You are quite mistaken, Christofides, my daughter is still here in this room.”
“If you are talking about Athena, the daughter born of your wife, you are correct. But that woman,” Theron pointed to Julia, “is Julia Jenkins. The daughter of Patsy and Joe Jenkins. My people have run a complete investigation and have proven to a court of law in the United States that the woman known as Cassidy Flynn is indeed your natural daughter.”
“No!” Kelley Flynn had dropped Julia’s hand and stood between Theron and Costas. “That can’t be true. Costas, you assured me you had done a thorough search and that she is our daughter.” Kelley pointed to Julia.
“Kelley, be quiet and sit down.” She sat. “Athena and Nicholas, leave. This conversation does not involve you.”
“No, Father, if it involves our secret relative, and our company, it involves us,” Athena said, standing her ground.
“We had a contract that stated if I married Cassiopeia Dolmides, you would turn over her shares and your proxy. I have done so and now I expect you to honor your end of the bargain,” Theron stated.
“You have no proof that this Cassidy Flynn is Cassiopeia,” Dolmides insisted.
“My proof has been shown to the judge who set the injunction in motion. He has declared my wife as your true daughter.”
“That’s good enough for me,” Nicholas said. “You have my vote, Christofides.”
“Nicholas!” Costas roared.
“You also have mine, Theron. I am sick of watching our name being dragged through the mud and our company’s reputation being destroyed,” Athena said. “Father, give him what he needs for Evadne.”
Athena gave Julia and Kelley a disparaging look as she walked over to Theron. “Welcome to the family, brother. Please bring my new sister around to meet me and my children as soon as it is convenient for you.” She then air kissed his cheeks and left the room.
Nicholas walked up to Theron and shook his hand. “I’m not kissing you. I don’t care what our new relationship is. If you will allow me, I would like to work with you to save the company.” Then he turned and followed his sister out of the room.
Kelley still sat stunned. Julia tried holding her hand, but Kelley was unresponsive.
“You and that woman have turned my family against me,” Costas raged at Theron.
“You planned to che
at me by foisting an imposter onto me. Were you later going to expose her as a fake and cheat me out of our deal?”
Costas paled and fell into his desk chair.
Julia had thrown herself into Theron’s arms and sobbed, “I love you. And I know you love me too. Please, please don’t send me away. We can still be together. I-I’ll wait until you can divorce Cassie. You can’t love Cassie. Nobody does. Nobody ever has. It will be just you and I. We can be together, always.”
Theron allowed the distaste he felt to show as he pulled her arms off of him. “You are quite wrong, Ms. Jenkins. Cassidy’s grandmother loved her. Maria Vega and Enrico Vega loved her. My mother loves her already. Cassidy has never been unloved.”
Julia’s tears continued to flow. Theron looked her straight in the face. Why did this woman cry black streaks? When his Cassidy cried she looked beautiful, and she wore mascara. He watched in fascination as the mascara ran from her eyes, over her cheeks, and rolled off her jaw, ruining the white silk dress she wore. She clutched desperately at his hands “But you don’t love her. You love me.”
“No, woman, you are wrong. I have loved Cassidy since the moment I set eyes on her in the Metropolis. Since I first heard her voice, her laugh. When I saw her wrap the priest around her little finger with a few smiles and friendly words.”
“No, you can’t love her. You love me!” she shrieked.
“Woman, show some dignity. You were nothing more to me than a distasteful part of a business deal I needed to complete. Now go before I change my mind about turning you into the police. He shrugged her off, then straightened out his cuffs. He nodded his head towards Luca to remove the Jenkins.
Upon Julia’s removal, Kelley looked at Costas, “She was not our daughter?”
“I did what I needed to do for my company. For my family.”
“Your company. Your family.” Kelley’s voice was deadly calm. He had heard that voice one night in the Scorpion’s Tail. He briefly wondered if he should warn Costas to beware of wooden objects.
“My daughter. The sweet little baby you made me give up, saying it would only be for a short time, until you could get a divorce from your wife. My daughter was here and you kept me from her again. You lied to me and made me call her a fraud.”